What is science policy?
Science policy is science communication – communicating science to
policy makers, and communicating policy to scientists. For example,
many elected officials are not experts in science, so they hire expert
advisors to provide balanced scientific information about all sides of
the issues, in order to allow them to make an informed vote. Many
government agencies use analysts to turn policy into rules and
regulations that must be communicated and applied to all interested
parties. Science policy positions exist not only in the federal
government (mostly in the legislative and executive branches, but
some in the judicial as well), but also in state governments,
professional organizations, scientific societies, non-governmental
organizations, lobbying groups, and even independent think-tanks.
Interactions with state or local agencies may involve providing advice.
The MSU Scicomm Science Policy Committee offers opportunities
and trains to scientist to get involved in science policy.
Fall 2020 events (Dates and times TBA)
Food and Agriculture Policy Circle
Environmental Policy Circle
National Voter Education Week: Science Policy Ballot Party
Our Science Policy Publications
The Possible Expiration of the New START, the Last Nuclear Bilateral Treaty Between the United States and the Russian Federation (2020); white paper by Daniel Puentes, Matthew J. Kuhn, Chelsie Boodoo, Kylie R. Smith, and Nicholas T. Young published in the Journal of Science Policy & Governance
Want to volunteer or help plan exciting science policy events from the MSU and Greater Lansing community? Email the MSU SciComm Science Policy Chair, Hazel Anderson at msuscicomm.scipolicy@gmail.com. Want to get started? Explore the following resources to learn how you can promote science policy as a scientist. Looking for resources to engage in science policy? Reach out to our team with questions and suggestions!
Scientist Advocacy Activity Kit from the Union of Concerned Scientists
Evidence-Based Science Communication with Policymakers Project by American University
An Elected Official or Decision Maker
Members of the Public
Scientist Advocacy Activity Kit from the Union of Concerned Scientists