Myriam Aquino
What was the inspiration behind your artwork?
Physicists-Watercolor portraits of some of the most influential physicists in history, surrounded by diagrams and formulas that explain and illustrate their work. The aim of this piece is to emphasize that behind these formulas and abstract concepts, there is a rich and human history of the people that discovered them or that work with them.
Mathematicians- Watercolor portraits of some of the most influential mathematicians in history, surrounded by diagrams and formulas that explain and illustrate their work. The aim of this piece is to emphasize that behind these formulas and abstract concepts, there is a rich and human history of the people that discovered them or that work with them.
My Very First Standard Model-In this piece we aim to demystify one of the most imposing and abstract areas of physics (that is, particle physics of the standard model) by presenting its protagonists in an approachable way as personalized cartoon characters, appealing even to children. Every particle (and its antiparticle) is represented with a size relating to its mass and an appearance relating to some of its physical properties or naming convention (for example, the strange quark is the only one with three eyes, and each neutrino is represented as a fan and imitator of the charged lepton it is associated with).
What do you see as the similarity between science and art? Why is science-art important in today's society?
Science and art are both creative endeavors that aim to expand the realm of human possibility and understanding. To make nature intelligible we create abstractions and representations that mimic it but can contain it. This is an art in and of itself, in a broad sense, but further, visual representations of those abstractions are necessary to communicate and understand them, and to make them available to the broader public.
Get to know the artist!
Myriam Aquino, Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (MUNCYT), Physicist and mathematician (both complete)
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