Chelsie Boodoo and Daniel Puentes
What was the inspiration behind your artwork?
Through the "Rainbow DNA" Chelsie and Daniel want to show how science is everywhere and for everyone. On "The Sci-Files" they discuss a wide range of topics in a way that everyone can understand. Along with "The Rainbow DNA", there are a few examples of icons that represent some episodes they've produced. "The Sci-Files Galaxy" is inspired by the image that Daniel captured at the Florida International University (FIU) Stocker Astroscience Center. Both Chelsie and Daniel went to FIU for their undergraduate degrees and they were motivated to share their passion for science because of their times at the Stocker Astroscience Center.
What do you see as the similarity between science and art? Why is science-art important in today's society?
Science uses art to explain complex ideas while helping the learner visualize the concept. People do not realize how common science and art are. We wanted our art to be in a public park so that people are reminded that science is everywhere and for everyone. The beautiful thing about art is that you do not need to speak a specific language to understand it. In today's society, science art is used to inspire while informing people.
Get to know the artist!
Chelsie Boodoo is a Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. student at Michigan State University. She studies what happens to the extracellular matrix of cells after they have been stressed. She has a passion for science communication (scicomm), and started MSU SciComm with other graduate students to create a welcoming space for everyone to practice scicomm however they want. She is the current President of MSU SciComm. She co-hosts the award-winning show, "The Sci-Files", with Daniel Puentes on impact 89FM to explore the different topics that MSU students research.
Daniel is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, where he does research at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. His research involves measuring the mass of radioactive nuclei, and how it can tell us how protons and neutrons are arranged inside of a nucleus. This research also helps scientists understand how the elements were created in different stellar environments! He has a passion for science communication. Daniel is the Vice President of Finance for MSU SciComm and one of the founders. He was the first author for a white paper that he other MSU SciComm members wrote about New START.
Get in touch!
Follow Chelsie on Twitter at @SciWithChelsie. Daniel on Twitter @NuclearPuentes. The Sci-Files is on Twitter and Facebook (@SciFiles89FM), and Instagram (@SciFiles)